Using the Personal Details service
Contact Details
You are able to update your address and contact numbers and email details using this service.
Contact details - Addresses
Your address information is displayed in the Personal Details section in MyStudyLink.
You can view and update your address(es) using this service.
The different address status'
Your address information displayed in MyStudyLink can have a different status depending on its start and/or end date:
Current address
An address that is current at this time. The end date of this address is either today or a date in the future.
Past address
An address that has been end dated in our system. MyStudyLink will only show past addresses if the end date is within 14 days of today's date.
For details of any addresses end-dated more than 14 days ago, you will need to call us on 0800 88 99 00. Please have your client number handy.
Future address
An address that is not yet current - the start date for this address is in the future.
The different address types
There are several different address types that may be displayed depending on the types of assistance you are receiving:
- Study address
- Postal address
- Alternative Scholarship address
Updating Addresses
Below are a few key things you need to know when updating your address information via MyStudyLink:
Adding a new address
If you add a new address, the address entered previously will be ended the day before your new address starts.
Deleting an address
You are able to delete any address with a future status (those with a start date in the future).
This is done by selecting the delete option next to the address(s) that you wish to delete and then selecting the 'Delete the selected future address(es)' button at the bottom of the page.
Note: MyStudyLink will advise you if deleting a future address has had any impact on your current address(es).
Study address
A Study address is where you will be living while you are studying.
If you have a Student Allowance we require a Study address to be entered so that we can determine your entitlement to an Accommodation Benefit.
No Study address
If you have not provided a Study address, a message will be displayed on the Contact Details screen.
If you do not have a Study address yet, you can enter your home address and then update your address once this has been confirmed.
Accommodation Benefit
An Accommodation Benefit is only paid to eligible students who are in receipt of a Student Allowance. It is to help with your accommodation costs and is a non-taxable payment.
The Accommodation Benefit rates are set amounts. The rate you will get is based on the region your education provider is located in (if you attend classes), or the region you are living in (if you are studying extramurally). If you are studying overseas on an approved exchange programme, you will receive the rate for the region that your education provider is located in.
Note: The Accommodation Benefit is different to the Accommodation Supplement. Accommodation Supplement is an extra assistance payment made to some students and/or their partners in certain circumstances. You cannot receive both the Accommodation Benefit and the Accommodation Supplement.
For more information about Accommodation Supplement, check out the StudyLink website:
Entering your Study address
To enter your study address, you need to:
- Enter a start date - this is the date you started, or will start, living at this address.
- Start typing the address of where you'll be living and a list of addresses will show.
- Enter your flat/house number and street.
- Don't put a space between numbers and letters, eg, 5b.
- Don't enter a PO Box or Private Bag number.
- Select the correct address from the list.
- If your address isn't on the list, select 'My address is not on the list' to manually enter your address.
- Answer the 'Are you living' questions - this will help us work out what rate of Student Allowance you qualify for.
- Select 'Submit'.
Study Address - Accommodation questions
When updating your Study address you could be asked the following questions:
Are you living with your partner/spouse?
A partner is your spouse, civil union partner with whom you have a de facto relationship.
Are you living with your parent(s)?
A 'parent' is a natural parent, a step-parent, or any other person acting in place of a parent of that student.
Are you paying Market Rent?
By 'market rent' we mean: If you are living in a parental home, that you are paying what you might reasonably expect to pay for rent for the area of the home you occupy in comparison with rent levels for similar properties in similar areas if you are living in the parental home.
By 'responsible for the expenses involved in maintaining the residence' we mean the regular expenses of a household which might include local authority rates (including water rates charged by a local authority, regardless of how the rates are calculated), house insurance premiums (excluding contents insurance), essential repairs and maintenance.
If you answer 'Yes' to the question 'Are you paying market rent or responsible for the household expenses while studying?', we need:
- a statement from one of your parents declaring you are paying market rent, or
- proof of the household expense payments with your name on the accounts or receipts.
Are you living in a Social Housing property?
Social housing is provided for people most in need of housing for as long as they need it. To be considered for social housing you must have a serious housing need and be able to show that you have done everything you can to find somewhere to live.
Is your (or your partner/spouse's) name on the Tenancy Agreement?
Whether you (or your partner) have your name on the Tenancy Agreement for a property owned or managed by a Social Housing provider. If you do, you won't qualify for an Accommodation Benefit as part of your Student Allowance. You may qualify for income-related rent instead.
For more details about income-related rent, contact us on 0800 88 99 00.
Are you living in a hostel or hall of residence?
If you live in a hostel or hall of residence, how much you get towards your Accommodation Benefit depends on the hostel or hall of residence you live in.
Please select the hostel or hall of residence
If you answered 'Yes' to living in a hostel or hall of residence, you will need to select the relevant hostel or hall of residence (and room type where applicable) from the drop down list.
If your hostel or hall of residence is not on the list, call us on 0800 88 99 00. Please have your client number handy.
Postal address
A Postal address is where you would like your mail to be sent.
If your mailing address is the same as your Study address you are not required to provide a Postal address - your mail will be sent to your Study address.
No Postal address
If you do not have a Postal address this is fine - we will send mail to your Study address instead.
Entering your Postal address
To enter your postal address, you need to:
- Enter a start date - this is the date you want us to start sending mail to this address.
- Enter today's date or a date in the future.
- Start typing your postal address and a list of addresses will show.
- Don't put a space between numbers and letters, eg, 5b.
- Select the correct address from the list.
- If your address isn't on the list, select 'My address is not on the list' to manually enter your address.
- Select 'Submit.'
Alternative Scholarship address
An Alternative Scholarship address will only be displayed if you have an application for a Scholarship administered by us.
Your Alternative Scholarship address needs to be different from your Postal address. You could use the address of a friend or relative.
We will only use your Alternative Scholarship address if we are unable to contact you at your usual address, for example if we receive returned mail.
Entering your Alternative Scholarship address
To enter your alternative scholarship address, you need to:
- Enter a start date - this is the date you want to start using this address.
- Enter today's date or a date in the future.
- Start typing your address and a list of addresses will show.
- Don't put a space between numbers and letters, eg, 5b.
- Select the correct address from the list.
- If your address isn't on the list, select 'My address is not on the list' to manually enter your address.
- Select 'Submit.'
Contact Details - Phone numbers and email
Contact numbers
Your contact numbers comprise of the current phone, mobile and fax numbers that we hold for you. If we do not hold any numbers for you these fields will be blank.
If a contact number we hold for you is incorrect or you no longer have a contact number of that type, you can overtype or delete the details and select the Submit button to save any changes.
Email address details
This is the current email address that we hold for you.
If the email address we have is incorrect or you no longer have an email address, you can overtype or delete the details and select the Submit button to save any changes.
Bank Account details
The bank account details section of MyStudyLink displays your current and future bank account details.
If you do not have a current bank account in MyStudyLink you will be requested to provide us with one so that we can pay your Student Allowance, Student Loan or Scholarship payments. Without a current bank account you cannot be paid.
No bank account provided
If you do not have a bank account entered in MyStudyLink and you have a Student Allowance, Student Loan (with Living Costs and/or Course-Related Costs payments) or a TeachNZ Scholarship Allowance your application will be incomplete until this is provided.
The bank account you use does not have to be in your name.
Account number
The bank account number has been broken down into the following sections.
- Bank - This is a two digit code that identifies the bank which holds the account, for example '03' for Westpac.
- Branch - This is a four digit code that identifies which branch the account is held at.
- Account number - This is your personal bank account number
- Suffix - This is usually two or three digits at the end of your account number.
Account holder name
This is the name of the person(s) that the bank account belongs to. Remember the bank account does not have to be in your name for Student Allowance, Student Loan or TeachNZ Scholarship Allowance payments.
Bank Account status
This is the bank account that is currently being used for your payments.
Bank accounts do not have an end date in MyStudyLink. The only way to end a bank account is to provide a new one. If you wish to stop using the current bank account but are unable to provide a new one, call us on 0800 88 99 00. Please have your client number handy.
This is a bank account that has a start date in the future.
Other options
How to delete a future bank account
If you have a bank account entered that is in the future and you decide you are no longer going to use this bank account you are able to delete this. You can do this by selecting the 'Delete the select future bank account(s)' button.
Current account closed
If the current account we hold for you is incorrect, you can update this by adding a new bank account number.
Updating Bank Accounts
Entering your bank account details
To be able to successfully enter your bank account details you need to ensure you provide:
- Bank account details - this is the bank account number. If you are having trouble entering your account number from a bank statement or printout, check out the 'Special Circumstances' section below.
- Account holder name - this is the name of the person(s) the bank account belongs to.
- Use for - this is where you select what payments the bank account is to be used for. If you select Loan, any course-related costs and living cost payments will be made into this account.
- Start date - this is the date from which you want your payments to start being made to this account.
You may be required to provide evidence of your bank account. If evidence is required MyStudyLink will generate a message to let you know.
For more information on what is required when providing evidence to us, please refer to the 'Evidence Requirements' help page:
Special Circumstances
Co-operative, Credit Union and Building Society account holders
If your bank account is held with an alternative finance provider type such as a Co-operative (eg PSIS), Credit Union or Friendly Society, you may have a reference number rather than a full bank account number.
In this situation you'll need to:
- Contact the bank and ask for their holding account number - this is usually a bank account number for one of the major NZ banks.
- Enter this as your bank account number in MyStudyLink.
We will make your payments to this holding account. Your bank can then redirect the money to you.
Note: StudyLink does not have the ability to attach a reference number to your payments. All payments have your client number attached to make them easily identifiable. Please provide this number to your bank.
Entering a bank account number from an ANZ bank printout
If your account is held by ANZ bank and you're referring to a printout from the bank (not a bank statement), the account number may be represented in the following format: (where N is a number)
To determine the bank account number to be entered into MyStudyLink, you will need to:
Remove the first 6 zeroes at the beginning of the sequence and replace with 06 (this is the bank code for National Bank)
Enter the next 4 numbers as they appear (this is the branch number).
Remove the next zero in the sequence (this will be at the start of a block of 10 numbers). The remaining 9 numbers in the sequence make up your account - the first 7 are the 'account' number and the last 2 are the 'suffix' details.
You should now have a number in the format of 06-NNNN-NNNNNNNNN to enter into MyStudyLink.
Current bank account closed, no new account
If the current account shown in MyStudyLink is closed and you have not set up a new account (and you are in payment), call us on 0800 88 99 00 to prevent your payments from going into the incorrect account.
Note: We will still need a new account from you before you are able to receive any further payments.
Income Details
The income details section of MyStudyLink displays the current, past and future income details you have provided to us.
Declaring personal income
- If you receive other assistance from StudyLink which requires income to be declared, (such as a Disability Allowance, Childcare Assistance, Accommodation Supplement or other Supplementary Payment) you need to call us on 0800 88 99 00 to declare it.
If you’re receiving Jobseeker Student Hardship payments over your study break, you need to tell us about any income you earn. You need to let us know by the Friday of each week you earn it.
The quickest and easiest way to tell us about any changes is to email us using “declare income” as the topic. You need to tell us:
- details of your income per week before tax and the date you earned it, from Monday to Sunday
- hours worked each week
- your employer’s name or source of income.
- If you receive a main benefit from Work and Income (such as Sole Parent Support or Supported Living Payment), any income you receive will need to be declared to Work and Income by calling them on 0800 559 009.
Personal income definition
For the Student Allowance, personal income is any money you or your partner get from any source, taxable or non-taxable.
Current income
Income details that have started and not yet ended. This income is broken down into Wages/salary or Other income. Wages/salary income is then broken down again into individual employer details.
Past income
Income details where the end date is in the past. MyStudyLink will only show past income details if they ended within the last 14 days.
Updating Income
Income declared via MyStudyLink will be used to assess your entitlement to Student Allowance only.
This ensures that you are receiving the correct entitlement based on your personal income.
Deleting income
If you have income details with a future status (ie income start date is in the future) you have the ability to delete this information from the system.
You can do this by selecting the tick box next to the income that you wish to delete and then selecting the 'Delete the selected future income(s)' button at the bottom of the page.
Updating Wages/salary income
There are two different ways to update Wages/salary income via MyStudyLink, depending on whether the employer details already exist or need to be added:
- If the employer details do not exist in MyStudyLink you will need to add these before adding the income details.
- If the employer details already exist you just need to select the relevant employer and add the new income.
Note: If existing employer details in MyStudyLink are incorrect or if you add incorrect employer details, you'll need to call us on 0800 88 99 00 to get this information corrected. Please have your client number handy.
Adding Employer details
To add Employer Details select the 'Add New Employer Details' link and complete the following:
Employer details
- Employer Name - this is the name of the person/company as they are known to Inland Revenue - this may not be the public name used for the business (eg the Employer Name for 'Woolworths' supermarkets is 'Foodstuffs').
- Business Trading Name - this is the commonly known name of the person/company you are employed by (eg Woolworths Ohakune).
- Business Street Address - this is the flat/house number and street name for your employer. Check your payslip for this information.
- Suburb/city - use the search function to select the town/suburb/city for your employer.
Select the 'Submit' button to add these employer details.
Adding Income details for an Employer
To add income details to an employer you will need to select the relevant Add/Update link and complete the following:
Start date
The start date for your Wages/salary income must always be a Monday.
Not entering a Monday start date could impact on your Student Allowance entitlement and/or payments.
Unless your Student Allowance application is incomplete, you are unable to provide income details if the start date is more than 14 days ago. To provide these details, call us on 0800 88 99 00. Please have your client number handy.
For more information on how to enter Wages/salary income, refer to the section below:
Weekly income amount
This is the total amount that you earned (from that employer) for the calendar week.
A calendar week starts on Monday and ends on the following Sunday.
Unless your pay cycle is Monday to Sunday, you will need to add up the daily or hourly income from different pay periods and include them as one amount via MyStudyLink (to cover each Monday to Sunday period).
Note: If your income covers more than one calendar week and is different for each week, this should be entered as separate amounts using the different Monday start dates.
The system will automatically add an end date to any previous income when income with another later Monday start date is added.
Determining income for the calendar week
See below for further details on how to add income in the following situations:
- Earning across calendar weeks
- Fortnightly pay - hours worked and hourly rate known
- Fortnightly pay - unable to determine hours worked in each calendar week
- Holiday pay
- Pay while on leave
Other situations
Earning across calendar weeks
If you earn income for a period that is not a calendar week (ie starts on a day other than a Monday and/or ends on a day other than the Sunday of the same week) you will need to calculate and add to MyStudyLink as follows:
- Work out the number of hours you worked in each calendar week and multiply this by your hourly rate (before tax) to get the weekly income amount(s).
- Add to MyStudyLink using the relevant Monday start date(s).
If you are unable to determine how many hours you worked in each week you will need to calculate and add to MyStudyLink as follows:
- Divide the total amount earned by the total number of days you worked in the pay period. This gives you an average daily income figure.
- Multiply this daily income figure by the number of days you worked in each Monday to Sunday period. This gives you the income amount for the calendar week.
- Add to MyStudyLink using the relevant Monday start date(s).
Fortnightly pay - hours worked and hourly rate known
If you earn income which is paid fortnightly, you should calculate and add to MyStudyLink as follows:
- Work out the number of hours you worked for each Monday to Sunday period.
- Multiply the number of hours worked in each period by your hourly rate (before tax). This gives you the weekly income amount for each calendar week.
- Add to MyStudyLink using the relevant Monday start date(s).
Fortnightly pay - unable to determine hours worked in each calendar week
If you are unable to determine how many hours you worked in each week you will need to calculate and add to MyStudyLink as follows:
- Divide the total income amount by the total number of days you worked. This gives you an average daily income figure.
- Multiply this daily income figure by the number of days you worked in each Monday to Sunday period. This gives you the weekly income amount for each calendar week.
- Add to MyStudyLink using the relevant Monday start date(s).
Holiday pay
Holiday pay is classed as personal income and needs to be included as Wages/salary income as per the following guidelines:
- If you receive holiday pay as part of your weekly earnings you need to declare the total amount of your earnings including any holiday pay.
- If you received a lump sum payment of holiday pay at the end of employment you need to include this amount in the last week of your earnings.
- If you are receiving holiday pay while on annual leave you need to enter this just as if you were working.
Pay while on leave
If you are receiving holiday pay or normal salary/wages income while on leave you need to include this in your income just as if you were working.
Other situations
If you have a different situation to those covered above or are having difficulty working out your weekly income amount, call us on 0800 88 99 00 for assistance. Please have your client number handy.
Hours worked
Enter the number of hours you worked for the week the income was earned in.
If the hours (and income amounts) are different for each week, you should be entering each week separately.
If you worked part of an hour, round the total hours worked down to the nearest whole hour.
Special circumstances
No Wages/salary income to declare
If you are not earning any Wages/salary then you need to ensure a nil (zero) amount has been declared. There are two different ways of doing this:
- If you have an employer where current income exists you need to select that employer and update the income to 0 (zero).
- If you have no employers listed in MyStudyLink, a link will be displayed stating 'No Employer Income to Declare'. Selecting this link will take you to an update page where you are able to declare nil (zero) for Wages/salary income.
Adding Other income
To add Other income you will need to complete the following fields:
Start date
The start date for your Other income must always be a Monday.
Not entering a Monday start date could impact on your Student Allowance entitlement and/or payments.
Unless your Student Allowance application is incomplete, you are unable to provide income details if the start date is more than 14 days ago. To provide these details, call us on 0800 88 99 00. Please have your client number handy.
Weekly income amount
This is the total amount of Other income you earned for the calendar week.
A calendar week starts on Monday and ends on the following Sunday.
If the amount you have covers a period other than weekly, you may need to divide by the number of weeks to determine this. For example, if you receive interest from an investment at a fixed rate of $50.00 per month, you would need to multiply this by 12 (months) then divide by 52 (weeks) to get the weekly amount to add into MyStudyLink.
- If you receive Other income from more than once source, you will need to add all Other income together to get the weekly amount to be declared via MyStudyLink.
You need to add Other income for the period in which it was earned, even if you are not actually paid during that period.
Special circumstances
No Other income to declare
If you are not earning any Other income then you need to ensure a nil (zero) amount has been declared. There are two different ways of doing this:
- If you have previously declared Other income, you need to select the current Other income and update the weekly income amount to nil (zero).
- If you haven't previously declared any Other income, a link will be displayed: 'No Other Income to Declare'. Selecting this link will take you to an update page where you are able to declare nil (zero) for Other income.
Partner/Spouse details
If your partner has access to MyStudyLink, they will be able to update their own personal details (address, contact numbers and income) via their own MyStudyLink account.
If your partner does not have access to MyStudyLink, they can update their personal details (address, contact numbers and income) by calling us on 0800 88 99 00 or by using the Email Us service on our website.