Using the Payment Information service

How to view and update information relating to your payments from us.

View Next Payment Details

This service displays details of your next Student Allowance and/or Loan living costs payment.

Payments made today can be viewed in your payment history.

Payments for Jobseeker Support Student Hardship or supplementary assistance will not show in MyStudyLink.
For details of these payments, call us on 0800 88 99 00. Please have your client number handy.

No payment scheduled in Next Payment screen

Where no payment is scheduled, a 'Reason for non-payment' will be displayed.
Below is a list of the non-payment reasons and the action you'll need to take:

Non-payment reasonAction required
There is no Loan Living Costs payment expected at the next pay date - check Application Details. Check the Application Details service to see the status of your Student Loan application(s) and your entitlement to Loan Living Costs.
There is no Student Allowance payment expected at the next pay date - check Application Details. Check the Application Details service to see the status of your Student Allowance application.
You are not entitled to Loan Living Costs - check Application Details. Check the Application Details service for details of your entitlement to Loan Living Costs. 
You have nominated $0.00 for your Loan Living Costs - update via Payment Details if required. If you require Loan Living Costs payments, nominate an amount via the Payment Information - Loan Living Costs service.
You don't have a Student Loan application at the next pay date - check Application Details. Check the Application Details service to see if a Student Loan application exists for this period. If you require a Student Loan but haven't applied, you can do so online by selecting the 'Apply Online' link at the top of the page (this opens a new browser window).
You don't have a Student Allowance application at the next pay date - check Application Details. Check the Application Details service to see if a Student Allowance application exists for this period. If you require a Student Allowance but haven't applied, you can do so online by selecting the 'Apply Online' link at the top of the page (this opens a new browser window).

Viewing your Transaction History

This service shows any transactions on your StudyLink record over the past 31 days. This could include payments made to you, such as Student Allowance or Loan Living Costs, or payments to or from another party such as course fee payments to your education provider.

Transaction date

This is the date that the transaction was registered by StudyLink. This may not be when payment was actually received by you or the intended recipient.


Where an amount is negative, it will be displayed in brackets e.g. ($100.00).

For further information about these transactions, call us on 0800 88 99 00. Please have your client number handy.


Each transaction has a description. Details of the different transactions and what they mean are shown below:

Student Loan

Establishment Fee. One-off fee charged when your Loan account is activated.
Course-Related Costs. Payment made to you for Course Related Costs.
Course Fees. Payment to your education provider for compulsory course fees.
Dishonoured repayment. Failed repayment on your Student Loan. 
Interest. Interest charges on your Student Loan - these will be written off by Inland Revenue provided you meet the interest free Loan criteria.
Loan transferred to Inland Revenue. Student Loan transferred to Inland Revenue for collection.
Loan retransferred from Inland Revenue. Student Loan transferred from Inland Revenue to StudyLink - administrative actions required.
Living Costs adjustment. Loan Living Costs adjustment against your Student Loan.
Living Costs. Payment made to you for Loan Living Costs.
Repayment/Refund. Refund or repayment processed on your Student Loan - this could be a refund of course fees from your education provider or a voluntary repayment made by yourself or another party.

Student Allowance

Allowance deduction. Deduction made from your Student Allowance payment - debt or other commitment.
Allowance payment. Payment made to you for Student Allowance.


Description  Detail
Bonded Merit refund. Refund of Bonded Merit Scholarship from your education provider.
Bonded Merit payment. Payment to your education provider for Bonded Merit Scholarship.
Step-Up refund. Refund of Step Up Scholarship from your education provider.
Step-Up payment. Payment to your education provider for Step Up Scholarship.
Scholarship transfer. Transfer of scholarship into Student Loan.
Scholarship transfer reversal. Scholarship reversal against your Student Loan.
NZQA Scholarship Monetary Award. Payment to you for NZQA Scholarship Monetary Award.
TeachNZ fees payment. Fees payment to your education provider from your TeachNZ scholarship.
TeachNZ fees refund. Fee refund from your education provider to your TeachNZ scholarship.

'Payment To' field

If a transaction is showing onscreen but the 'Payment To' field is blank, the payment has been made to StudyLink. In these situations the bank account number is not displayed. For further information about these transactions, call us on 0800 88 99 00. Please have your client number handy.

Transactions not showing on screen

Common reasons for transactions not showing in the Transaction History are:

  • The transaction has not been made yet.
  • The transaction was more than 31 days ago.
  • The transaction is for Jobseeker Support Student Hardship (JSSH) or supplementary payments such as Disability Allowance or Accommodation Supplement.

In these cases or where transactions aren't showing and you believe they should be, you may need to contact us for further information. Call us on 0800 88 99 00. Please have your client number handy.

Viewing your Loan Account Balance

As your Loan Account Balance is held by Inland Revenue, this link will open a new window to login to Inland Revenue's online services.  You need to register for an Inland Revenue online services account to do this.

Loan living costs

This service allows you to view your Loan living costs using MyStudyLink.

Viewing Loan living costs

The 'View Loan Living Costs' page displays information about your entitlement to Living Costs (if any) including what you have requested and what you are eligible to receive.

Note: If you have more than one active Loan Account, your entitlement to Loan living costs will be displayed separately, based on each Loan Account.

Living Costs and Student Allowance

Your entitlement to Living Costs is reduced by any Student Allowance you receive (not including any Accommodation Benefit paid as part of the Student Allowance)

Updating Loan Living Costs

You can change the amount of Living Costs requested for your Student Loan by entering a start date and weekly amount.

Start date for Living Costs

  • Living Costs are paid a week in arrears. This means the payment you receive this week is to cover your entitlement for last week.
  • Living Costs cannot be claimed for a period that has already passed. You will need to enter a start date of today or a date in the future.

Maximum weekly Living Costs

On 01 April each year, the maximum weekly Living Costs amount may be adjusted by the Consumer Price Index (CPI) process. The new amount will be published on our website:

Projected balances

The projected Loan Living Costs balances are estimates only and do not include borrowing on any other parts of the Student Loan such as fees, course related costs or interest charges.

The Loan Living Costs projections are based on:

  • Your study start and end dates.
  • The amount of Loan Living Costs you have borrowed on the Loan Account so far.
  • The amount you would have borrowed at the end date, based on what you are currently borrowing.
  • How much you will have borrowed at the end date, based on the new amount you will be borrowing. 

Note: If your Student Loan is not yet approved, the projected Loan Living Costs balances will display as zero (0) amounts.

Calculating changes to Loan Living Cost payments

You are able to calculate how changes to your Loan Living Costs will affect borrowing amounts.

Loan living costs calculator

The Living Costs calculator will help you understand the impact that changing the amount of Loan living costs you borrow each week will have on your current Student Loan balance.

You can enter different borrowing amounts and see the potential impact on your Student Loan borrowing without actually having to make any changes to your details.

What the calculator shows

The calculator shows two separate projections for your Loan living costs:

  • The first balance will be based on what you are currently borrowing.
  • The second balance will be based on the new borrowing amount you have entered.

Note: If your Student Loan is not yet approved, the projected Loan living costs balances will display as zero (0) amounts.


This calculator provides a projected balance that is an estimate only and does not include any other Student Loan components such as fees, Course Related Costs or interest charges.
There are a number of other factors that could affect your final Loan Living Costs balance.

Changing your Loan Living Costs

You can change your Loan living costs payments via the Loan living costs service.

Adjustment of Loan Living Costs due to CPI process

If you choose to receive the maximum amount of Living Costs each week you may wish to have this adjusted automatically through the CPI process*

* For more about the Consumer Price Index (CPI) process, check out the following information on our website:


Last updated: 29 January 2025