Student Loan Contract Online

Information on receiving and accepting your Student Loan Contract online

About Contract Online

To sign up to receive your Student Loan contract online update the Electronic Contract field to ‘Yes'.  When you select ‘Yes' a ‘Notification Options' section will become available. You will need to select your preferred method of notification.

The ‘Continue' button will save any changes you have made and then take you to the ‘Contracts Online' page, where you can see if you have a contract waiting to be accepted.

The ‘Cancel' button will ignore any changes you make and return you to the MyStudyLink home page.

You will not be able to view your Student Loan Contract until you have applied for your Student Loan online.  You will receive notification by txt or email when your Student Loan Contract is ready for you to accept.

History of Contracts Online

This section shows you a history of the contracts you have received online, the status of those contracts and the date this was completed. 


This field shows you the status of the contracts that have been placed online and may show:

Rejected - Name and/or date of birth incorrect


This status is applied when you have agreed online to the terms and conditions of the Student Loan contract.


This status is applied when you have ‘Discontinued your Loan'.  If you discontinue your loan your loan application is stopped and you need to reapply for any future Student Loan.    

Rejected - Name and/or date of birth incorrect 

This status is applied when you have told us that your Name and/or date of birth is incorrect. You are not able to accept a contract online if your name and/or date of birth is incorrect as this is a legally binding contract between you (confirmed by your name and date of birth) and the Crown.  If your name and/or date of birth is incorrect then you must contact StudyLink to get this corrected before a new contract can be issued to you.  


This status is applied if you do not agree with the terms and conditions of the contract.  This means that your Student Loan is declined and you need to reapply for any future Student Loan.  


This is the date that the status was applied to your Student Loan, for example once you have accepted your Student Loan, the status would show 'Accepted' and the date you accepted the Student Loan contract online.

Name and date of birth correct

Use this option if your name and/or date of birth is recorded correctly in this screen.

Name and/or date of birth incorrect

Use this option if your name and/or date of birth is incorrect in this screen. 

By selecting this option you are telling us that your name and/or date of birth is incorrect. You are not able to accept a contract online if your name and/or date of birth is incorrect as this is a legally binding contract between you (confirmed by your name and date of birth) and the Crown.  If your name and/or date of birth is incorrect then you must contact StudyLink to get this corrected before a new contract can be issued to you. 

Discontinue Loan

Use this option if you no longer need a Student Loan. If you discontinue your loan, your loan application will be stopped and you will need to reapply for any future Student Loan.

Last updated: 28 January 2025